March 31, 2010


"When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose."
-Bob Dylan 

and it is effing true.

March 16, 2010

Gaga's Bloody "Paparazzi" Show!

Lady Gaga's performance at the MTV VMA 2009 was awesome! My friend showed me this video a couple days ago and I'm still amazed everytime I play it over.
She nailed it! Just hear the audiences, they all sounded shocked when Gaga's chest started to bleed. Maybe they thought Gaga was shot or something on that stage, 'cause I did think so when the first time I saw that part. It gave me goosebumps, tho. But then, WOW! Really dramatic ending. I think it's the best live performance I've ever seen in my whole live. She's a amazingly freak, always comes up with brilliant and eccentric ideas on stage.

The other thing, I just found out that she wore at least SIX DIFFERENT OUTFITS that night. Most of 'em were so 'peculiar'. Come check these pictures out.

arriving on the red carpet

accepting The Best New Artist Award

performing bloody "Paparazzi"

after performing on stage. C'mon, what's with that bird nest, girl? lol

at VMA press room

after party at Avenue

I can't imagine she spent most of her time changing clothes while others were enjoying the show -or not.
And look at the dress that she showed up in when hitting the Grammy Awards 2010 red carpet.

What do you think? The Best Dress or The Worst Dress? You tell me. Even the judges had no idea either.
But I must admit, Lady Gaga rocks!

photos :

February 28, 2010

Finally, Welcome Snack Madness!

Yippiee!! setelah sekian lama mengidam, akhirnyaaa gue kembali makan di..

Hari ini bosen gue di kosan udah mencapai puncaaakkkcakcakcakk. Libur dari jumat, tapi belom jalan sama sekali, kerjaannya online dan tidur-tiduran doang. Pengen bgt gue keluarr. Bodo deh mau cuma keliling2 bandung sendirian ato kemanapun, yang penting keluar dari Dayeuhkolot bapukkk. :(
Pagi tadi si gue sempet keluar sarapan, makan bubur sama Rivan, mantan temen sekosan gue. Niatnya sekalian iseng2 ke 'shock market' depan gerbang kampus yang eksis nongol tiap minggu pagi. Hehe. Lumayan menghibur kebosenan lah yaa.

Dan begitu masuk waktu makan siang, tiba2 ngidam gue menerpa lagi. Craving for couple topping longan almond, dan tiap detik list ngidam gue nambah terus. Tapi anehnya ngidam sushi gue yang belom kesampean dari minggu lalu malah gak nongol tadi siang. Weird, huh?
Gue hubungin beberapa temen wisata kuliner gw, tapi semuanya pada gak bisa. Blah, it means gue mesti stuck di kosan (yang berantakannya naujubilee), dengan menu delivery yang itu-itu aja.
Abis makan ebi furai Kokorobento, lumayan ilang tuh ngidam2 jajanan, tapi begitu abis solat magrib, duuataangg kembalii. yauda gue cari temen lagi.

Singkat cerita, Doyski a.k.a Doyok nawarin nemenin gue makan di Gokana Teppan. Itupun dengan syarat gue mesti ngasi subsidi bayarin dia makan. Buat dia emang symbiosis mutualism, tapi buat gue, symbiosis parasitism seems more appropriate. ;p Tapi gapapa lah, daripada mesti nunggu besok2 to fulfil hasrat variasi menu makan.
Jadinya kita berangkat jam9 kurang deh.

Nyampe sana, udah keliatan tuh makanan inceran gue..
Bukan ramen, bukan juga bento2 lainnya, tapi..
Welcome Snack-nya!!
Come to mama, you, kerupuk-kerupuk kecil-bulat-pipih.. 

Kata waitressnya, menunya tinggal Gokana 1,2,3,4,sama paket Bento. Yaaa, whatever lah.
Abis order, langsung gue ambil piring bulet gold di meja terus gue ambil welcome snacknya dan langsung gue bawa ke meja. Manggil waiternya, minta saos tomat+sambel. Hihihihi akhirnya yaaa, gue bisa merasakan kenikmatan kerupuk2 yang menumpuk di tuh piring kecil.

Belom sempet welcome snacknya abis, eh makanan udah dateng, gue pesen Gokana 2 minumnya ice lemonade, Doys pesen Gokana 4 sama sweet ice tea (ih, es teh manis aja belagu deh si menunya sweet ice tea segala). Cuma beda dia beef yakiniku, gue beef teriyaki. Yauda kita makan dulu deh, disela dikit obrolan soal kuliah. hahaha PASTI.

Abis selesai makan, gue samperin lagi tuh toples gede full of welcome snack, gue ambil penuh sepiring, buat nemenin ngobrol cerita-cerita. Abis piringnya kosong, gue isi lagi. Hahaha.
Karna udah jam stengah11 dan tempatnya gak gitu cozy, yauda deh kita mutusin buat cepet cabut. Sempet kepikiran juga buat bawa kabur tuh toples kaca gede yang isinya kerupuk semua. Nyamnyamnyam.. hehe

Hmmm walaupun hasrat J.cooling nya belom kesampean, cukup lumayan juga lah yaa, bisa makan welcome snack yang udah ampe gue ngimpi-ngimpiin. Hahahaha. Sampai bertemu kembali yaa Gokana Teppan. 

Pokoknya, to-do-list besok, gue harus membajak siapapun temen gue buat nganter ke terdekat buat beli J.Cool couple. Yummy!! hihihihi

February 24, 2010

Beethoven's Love Letter

Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
ever thine

ever mine

ever ours

The Third Letter of "Immortal Beloved"
by Ludwig van Beethoven
from Love Letter of Great Men

Would somebody ever send me this kinda thing??

February 17, 2010

She's a Doll!

Devon Aoki. Topmodel. Actress.
I was just visiting one of my favorite sites when i saw this pictures on the sidebar.
I like its tone, and I LOVE THE JACKET! So I clicked on it to see bigger picture then it says "Devon Aoki in Self Service Fall 2009". I knew it! My favorite Asian-look model.

Devon Edwenna Aoki
Born in New York, August 10, 1982. Grew up in CA and London, and now she lives in LA. She's not originally Asian, though. She's American. She got the Asian look from her Japanese-American father, the late Rocky Aoki -founder of Benihana Restaurant in NYC that franchises nearly 80 Japanese cuisine restaurants. Yet her mother, Pamela Hilburger, is a jewelry designer. WOW, right? At least for me.
At age 13 she started modelling and was introduced to Kate Moss by her godmother.
She didn't go to college after graduated from high school, 'cause she thinks degree isn't everything. Somehow, look at her now, A SUCCESSFUL MODEL. You can see her face in Vogue Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, i-D, or doing catwalks for international designer fashion shows. You can also see her in 2 Fast 2 Furious, D.E.B.S, Sin City, War, and Mutant Chronicles films.
The thing is, she's only 5'5" or about 1.65 cm tall. Quite short actually for a runway model, even compared to ME. HA! :9 But she's got the look. Flawless skin, so freakin' unique, calm, and a bit mysterious face. She really is a doll.

Adorable, isn't she? Well.. So is the photographer, and also the stylist. :)

Tick tock, I gotta go now. Just ask Wikipedia -where I got these informations from- about Devon Aoki if you want to know more about her. Or you can simply Google her, that'll work.

S A Y O N A R A. .

February 14, 2010

Being Tan Is Being Sexy!

Buat 'bule' dan juga sebagian wanita di sini (including me :p), being tan and skinny does surely make women look more attractive. But this??
This is one of the first pictures from Roberto Cavalli's Spring 2010 campaign.

Walaupun emang tan-nya agak lebay si, tapi konsep 'ke-nggakwajaran'nya justru yang bikin unik dan gorgeous.
Wajarlah hasilnya keren, udah model-modelnya emang mukanya bagus, make-up artistnya oke, fotografernya juga pasti gak sembarangan. Coba kalo yang jadi modelnya emang beneran cewe tan buluk-buluk gitu. Ewww..

Hhmm kapan ya gue bisa keren kaya model-model itu? hahaha dream on!

Tapi di bandingin mereka, mestinya bersyukurlah kita. Gak perlu repot-repot nyari pantai buat sunbathing, pake tan lotion segala dan gak perlu mahal-mahal ke salon buat spray tanning kaya bule-bule itu. Cukup seharian main di luar, voila! melanin membantu kita terlihat lebih sekseehh dan eksotis, h e m a t. hahaha

January 1, 2010

Goodbye 2009! ;p

Dua ribu sembilan. Salah satu tahun yang gue lewatin tanpa tujuan yang jelas. Belom ngerasa punya accomplishment yang bisa dibanggain, disappointing dan meaningless.

Semuanya ngalir gitu aja dengan prinsip 'jalanin aja' yang bikin gue sedikit banyak kecewa sama diri gue. Yaaa.. mungkin adalah masa-masanya gue over pede sama beberapa hal yang gue bisa. (What?!) Hahaha tetepp yaaa narsis.
Tapi gue tau, gue belum puas. Manusiawi sekali emang.

Udah 21 kali deh gue ngelewatin tahun baru dengan otak yang sama -yang makin lama bisa gue rasain berkurang efektifitasnya- dan soul yang sama -yang gue akuin suka jarang bersyukur atas apa yang udah dikasih Allah-, dan sekarang, akhirnya SADAR.

Berasa dosaaa banget. Guilty-guilty gimanaaa gitu. heyheyhey..

Sia-sia rasanya Allah ngasi kita kelebihans (plural lho. hehe), ngasi kita hidup dan waktu didunia kalo kita gak bisa manfaatin kelebihans itu.

But from now on, I promise to myself I have to be SOMEBODY! Gue harus jadi orang yang lebih bermanfaat, berkualitas luar dalam dunia akhirat.

"Ya Allah, bantu aku mewujudkan semua yang aku harapankan, Ya Allah.Aku gak pengen jadi manusia yang bisanya cuma menuh-menuhin dunia aja, gak pengen nyia-nyiain apa yang udah Engkau kasih. Aku mau tambah rajin semua-muanya, ibadah, belajar, yang lain-lain. Aku mau jadi manusia yang lebih baik, aku yakin kok aku bisa. Tapi bantuin aku juga ya, Ya Allah. Give me THE strength. AMEN"

Tahun baruuu, semangat baruuu!

So, Goodbye 2009!
And Hello 2010!!
S E M A N G A T !!